Submit a Recovery Project Progress Report

Regional Long Term Recovery Projects

  • Project 1: Focus on Below Market-Rate Ownership Housing

    Support below-market rate (BMR) for-sale replacement housing for former and current homeowners who are fire survivors.

  • Project 2: Accelerate Development of Affordable Housing

    Speed up the creation of affordable housing both within the Almeda Fire footprint and other developed areas of Jackson County.

  • Project 3: Support First-Time Homebuyers

    Develop new tools to allow renters who are fire survivors to own a home.

  • Project 4: Reduce Insurance Premiums

    Promote wildfire risk reduction standards as a potential approach to reducing residential insurance premiums.

  • Project 5: Build Back Brick-and-Mortar Businesses

    Support infill commercial development along the Highway 99 corridor and Phoenix’s and Talent’s downtown areas.

  • Project 6: Leverage the Cities’ Ability to Boost Redevelopment

    Utilize urban revitalization tools to create conditions likely to produce or hasten favorable future commercial development.

  • Project 7: Provide for Long-Term Behavioral Health Services

    Provide long-term behavioral health services for wildfire survivors.

  • Project 8: Expand Hazardous Fuels Reduction

    Determining and implementing processes to reduce hazardous fuels throughout the community.

  • Project 9: Improve Fire Safety on Evacuation Routes

    Commission a traffic study that would provide the verifiable data needed to seek funding for improvements along main evacuation routes.

  • Project 10: Strengthen Emergency Notification Systems

    Create a multi-layered/redundant Emergency Notification System.

  • Project 11: Encourage Connected Streets

    Promote connected streets with a minimum of two ways in and out for new subdivisions.

  • Project 12: Promote Defensible Space Standards

    Establish uniform defensible space standards.

  • Project 13: Set One Standard For Fire-Resistant Homes

    Recommend following the wildfire construction provisions in the Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC).

  • Project 14: Support Fire-Safe Education

    Establish more robust and sustainably funded education programs to train residents about fire-safe construction, fire-resistant landscaping, and defensible space.

  • Project 15: Be Prepared for the Next Disaster

    Institutionalize and align the efforts of JCC LTRG and Rogue Valley Community Organizations Active in Disaster (RV COAD).

  • Project 16: Make the Bear Creek Greenway Safe

    Leverage the Envision Bear Creek Plan to secure long-term funding for fuels reduction, maintenance, security, and enhancements.

  • Project 17: Provide For Multilingual Communications

    Encourage multilingual communications in all notifications, literature, and meetings related to recovery, adaptation, and resiliency.

  • Project 18: Address Food Insecurity Funding

    Identify available funding sources and partners to help reduce food insecurity.

  • Project 19: Expand Transportation Options

    Improve mobility options and headways between residential neighborhoods, employment centers, and commercial areas.

  • Project 20: Embrace Sustainable Development

    Encourage sustainable development strategies to help maintain equilibrium in the built environment and the natural systems of Jackson County.

  • Project 21: Improve Local Social Determinants of Health

    Work to improve factors that influence health outcomes.